When you get your car repaired at an auto body shop, you usually sign an agreement that states in the fine print that the auto body shop can hold your car until the bill is paid in full. Of course,…
You can attempt to sue anyone for anything these days. But seeing an auto body shop for taking too long would be hard to maintain in a court, especially since most shops that take longer than quoted will have documented…
Rates for auto body work are all over the place all over the country. Hourly rates for body work are generally cheaper than a mechanic for the same job, but sometimes people don’t know the true extent of how much…
Dealerships aren’t always perfect on price or quality. Small private auto body shops are capable of doing the same repairs as the big dealerships. Just get a quote at both to compare before deciding.
The equipment necessary invested in the proper equipment, technicians and ongoing training needed to work on the vehicles, especially new cars, makes a difference and car prices vary by make and model and manufacturer. Auto body shops also come with…
It is insurance that covers you and your vehicle in case you have an accident that is deemed your fault. If you only have “liability only’ insurance, where you are deemed at fault for the accident, then your insurance company…
If you damage a rental car and got the coverage from the company, then it would be covered. Some insurance companies cover you no matter what car you are driving. For example if you are driving your friends car, then…
Ask anyone who has been in an accident and lost their car. Having insurance protects you and
If you have a loan on the vehicle, it is almost always mandatory because the lender wants that car covered in case you wreck it.
If you were deemed at fault in the accident, then you are responsible for fixing the car at your own out-of-pocket expense.