Usually, you pay at the time of pickup. Some auto body shops require a deposit or maybe require paying for the parts up front and the service fee afterward.
If you don’t pay due to avoiding the bill, the body shop can sue you or hold your car until you pay, if it was in the contract you signed for the repairs. Most body shops require the bill to…
Depending on the insurance company, some insurance companies the majority of the time the insurance company will send the check to the customer and the customer pays the body shop. Some insurance companies will even deposit the money directly into…
Doesn’t hurt. We always recommend that you have full coverage even if it is an older car. Usually, the cost to insure a car is less expensive if it is older. You have to decide if it’s worth it to…
Do you autobody shops clean your car? Usually, after the repair is done, detail is part of it. Most collision repair jobs are completed with detailed service. If the job is very small such as popping out a dent, then…
Smaller repairs can be done in as little as 1-2 days while larger collisions repairs can take upwards of about two 2-3 weeks, on vehicles with major structural damage. For example if if the frame or unibody is damaged. Smaller…
Engine repair would require a mechanic, so you would want to search for “auto repair shop” instead of any auto body shop, which is different than an auto body shop. Auto body just repairs the cosmetic look of the car,…
Most suspension work needs an alignment afterwards which is a job for a mechanic, so usually, an auto body shop is not able to perform suspension work. If you need something like a lift on your car, you would would…
In a small private shop, the manager of an auto body shop is responsible for almost everything and has to be a jack of all trades in the shop. At a larger body shop, they have specialized tasks for every…
Yes, you can keep the money and not fix the car. What you do with your money is yours. The money you get from insurance to fix the car is supposed to go to get your car fixed however if…